Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Well I decided to create a brand and make a brand identity. Well this is just a start. Comments and suggestions will be well appreciated.

This is the logo for a travel agency called Traveller. They do ticket bookings and hotel reservations. They deal with short distance, nearby places as well as across the seas, faraway places. Basically 'across the seas and meadows'. Hence the colours green and blue.

This is the visiting card. The same basic layout will be used for all the employees.
This is the layout for the letterhead that I have designed. I think it goes with the look and feel of the brand.


bulbedup vibin said...

mmmmmm. same old stuff, not much work done. before u start logo go through lot of other logos and borrow elements. black colour doesn go well for travel agencies. create a gud monogram oki? check out mahindra club logo n all that. ill tell u mre later...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

its nice actually, interesting rather.. but id say first read vibins comment again and again. then work on the composition. cuz thats the only thing a non-applied art oriented artist can tell you, that the placement of the text to the logo is unbalanced, on first view ur eyes topple over it instead of gently resting and regarding.
flip it around, turn it upside down, invert the colours, translate it to hebrew and then start thinking of what you really wanna do to it. :)