Sunday, October 21, 2007


I've been wanting to write on this topic for a couple of days but I cant find words to explain exactly what I want to say. I hope to convey myself correctly to a certain extent at least. Basically when I say tolerance I mean resistance-resistance to something that is repeated several times. Habituation. For example, the first time you hear a joke it is always funnier than the next few times you hear it, after which it becomes a narration, a boring repetition. Same with activities. The first time you do it there's a certain thrill that starts decreasing when you do it repeatedly. In order to get the same thrill and excitement that you did the first time, the level needs to be increased. Something more needs to be done. That explains why the entertainment industry has evolved. Just look at a movie or TV commercial that was made 20 years ago and compare it to the ones made today. Why go that far. Just look at magazine advertisements published a couple of years ago and you can spot the difference. The only logical reason that i can think of is tolerance. Resistance.


Karan Talgeri said...
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Karan Talgeri said...

yes dat defines the 'from one finger to 2 finger poking' :P