Friday, October 5, 2007

Personal satisfaction

Recently I have had the pleasure or let me say unfortunate experience of using the public transport system in one of the metros-Bangalore. I say unfortunate experience because I now question the system as it is. Why is it called public transport [reference to autos] when they don’t want to take you where you want to go? Instead they want you to go where they want to go. As a rule all they do is ignore you or stop to say no. Of course exceptions make a rule and the saying holds true here also. There are a few decent rickshaw drivers who know what they're job is and agree to go with you. Then there are the in betweens who charge you extra and drive you to your destination. All I can say is that I think the public transport system in general is all out to taking passengers for a ride and making a quick buck every step of the way. Now you’re probably thinking why travel by auto when there are other means of transport, not to mention cheaper ones. Your right, I did try it out and trust me it’s really not that bad. I’m using the public buses on a regular basis now. But the fact that it’s convenient isn’t the only reason I’m using it. There’s the satisfaction factor I’d like to highlight and it’s the main point of this essay. I personally like to save money on certain things and as far as possible, I do. For me, the mode of transport isn't important as long as I get to my destination in time. However, I don’t mind splurging on clothes. But that’s me and that’s what makes me an individual and a unique one at that. It satisfies me to save up on one thing and spend on another. I know there are several people who say why save your money when you cant take it with you essentially referring to the fact that we all came into this world naked and will go back the same way. But that amuses me because it’s as puzzling as the origin of life. We humans do things without reason-because it’s the norm, keeping in mind what other people will think at all times. Why live your life according to what someone expects when something entirely different fascinates and satisfies you. The human brain is not designed to understand the cycle of life and we never will. Scientists spend lifetimes trying to prove things based on an initial assumption that has no proof thereby basing their theory on something illusionary. So why waste your life doing something you don’t want to do or being some place you don’t want to be. Save, yeah. But don’t let it ruin your everyday existence because you never know how much is enough for the rainy day that you’re saving for. Most importantly, do what satisfies you and don’t judge other people according to the rules you set for yourself!


Karan Talgeri said...

Good to see you're happy about the bus thingy! Nice read... belt them Auto-fellas!!! All that waiting and extra charging!!!!! ;)

Always stick by your views smiley one!!!

looking forward to the future posts.


Tanisha Christo said...
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Tanisha Christo said...

hmmm....interesting....totally agree with u- how i boast at how i save those couple of tens by taking the bus, but happily spend the extra hundred on a nice top or a good meal.