Friday, November 30, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change;
COURAGE to change the things I can;
and WISDOM to know the difference.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Crying-the mystery

Why do people cry? More importantly why do some people cry more than others? I personally don’t think crying is a virtue all girls posses and it is exclusive to them and to sissies. Boys grow up to be resistant to crying. They learn to inhibit it. I read somewhere that once a boy or any man for that matter experiences strong emotions that cause him to break down, the process continues and he becomes less resistant to holding back his tears. It has something to do with opening a channel between the right and left sides of the brain. [I tried getting hold of this concept but I can’t find it anywhere]. When you feel strongly about something why not flaunt it? You laugh when you’re happy so why not cry when you’re upset or overjoyed? Why should it remain a hidden issue? Personally I have a very high emotional resistance-meaning that I’ve never cried while watching a movie or reading a book. However, if someone I love says anything rude to me or upsets me, the tears come pouring out. Therapeutically, the failure to cry is dangerous to our health-mental health. Crying any day helps you get the strong emotions out of your system. It makes you feel better.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This is the poem karan wrote for me...

"Million Expressions" is what comes to my mind
Happy all the time, her views well defined
Never a dull moment, well, she laughs a lot
Seldom need a topic, as long as there's "What?"

A total foodie and chocoholic she is
Totally into shopping, she won't give it a miss
She considers everything tiny cute, Oh My!
The whole list will be ready one day, this ain't a lie.

She does the freaky auto calculations for me,
It's so very confusing, don't you see?
At lunch, she thinks I'm slow as usual
When it comes to listening to music, anti- social! [:P]

While painting on walls, out pop sound effects and weird tunes too
And when she gets all panicky, what am I to do?
Be it dripping paint or crawling monkeys
Must find a solution quick, not just freeze.

She's totally engrossed while reading
Her, You wouldn't want to be disturbing
Well! Then there's the sketching too
15 per day, wow! that's something, I salute you!

At using reverse psychology, she's really good
Works all the time, as it should.
Great for company, that's surety
Hard working and fun-loving, her best qualities.

Easily one of the coolest people I've met
Crazy, always high, you'd agree, I bet!
Always lightening things up with you're sense of humour
You rock and will make it big one day, that's for sure!


I've been wanting to write on this topic for a couple of days but I cant find words to explain exactly what I want to say. I hope to convey myself correctly to a certain extent at least. Basically when I say tolerance I mean resistance-resistance to something that is repeated several times. Habituation. For example, the first time you hear a joke it is always funnier than the next few times you hear it, after which it becomes a narration, a boring repetition. Same with activities. The first time you do it there's a certain thrill that starts decreasing when you do it repeatedly. In order to get the same thrill and excitement that you did the first time, the level needs to be increased. Something more needs to be done. That explains why the entertainment industry has evolved. Just look at a movie or TV commercial that was made 20 years ago and compare it to the ones made today. Why go that far. Just look at magazine advertisements published a couple of years ago and you can spot the difference. The only logical reason that i can think of is tolerance. Resistance.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Just when you thought that helping someone else out doesn't really pay off except for the factor called personal satisfaction and the fact that it makes you a better person, you realize you were wrong. There are people who appreciate it and come back to say thanks. Trust me, it feels great to be acknowledged even if the deed you've done is extremely trivial. It may be the tiniest thing that doesn't really make a difference to you or it may be done unconsciously but the fact that someone was positively affected by something you did throws you into ecstasy! Well there's also the principle of karma that i do believe in. What goes around comes around or as they say do unto others as you would have them do unto you. So i think I'm better off trapped in my own little bubble, enjoying myself in my own happy world, living under the illusion that the world isn't such a bad place after all and trying to make a difference in my own little way.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Personal satisfaction

Recently I have had the pleasure or let me say unfortunate experience of using the public transport system in one of the metros-Bangalore. I say unfortunate experience because I now question the system as it is. Why is it called public transport [reference to autos] when they don’t want to take you where you want to go? Instead they want you to go where they want to go. As a rule all they do is ignore you or stop to say no. Of course exceptions make a rule and the saying holds true here also. There are a few decent rickshaw drivers who know what they're job is and agree to go with you. Then there are the in betweens who charge you extra and drive you to your destination. All I can say is that I think the public transport system in general is all out to taking passengers for a ride and making a quick buck every step of the way. Now you’re probably thinking why travel by auto when there are other means of transport, not to mention cheaper ones. Your right, I did try it out and trust me it’s really not that bad. I’m using the public buses on a regular basis now. But the fact that it’s convenient isn’t the only reason I’m using it. There’s the satisfaction factor I’d like to highlight and it’s the main point of this essay. I personally like to save money on certain things and as far as possible, I do. For me, the mode of transport isn't important as long as I get to my destination in time. However, I don’t mind splurging on clothes. But that’s me and that’s what makes me an individual and a unique one at that. It satisfies me to save up on one thing and spend on another. I know there are several people who say why save your money when you cant take it with you essentially referring to the fact that we all came into this world naked and will go back the same way. But that amuses me because it’s as puzzling as the origin of life. We humans do things without reason-because it’s the norm, keeping in mind what other people will think at all times. Why live your life according to what someone expects when something entirely different fascinates and satisfies you. The human brain is not designed to understand the cycle of life and we never will. Scientists spend lifetimes trying to prove things based on an initial assumption that has no proof thereby basing their theory on something illusionary. So why waste your life doing something you don’t want to do or being some place you don’t want to be. Save, yeah. But don’t let it ruin your everyday existence because you never know how much is enough for the rainy day that you’re saving for. Most importantly, do what satisfies you and don’t judge other people according to the rules you set for yourself!